BIOS 242 Week 8 EXAM 3 Review. Chapters 14-23 (excluding 16, 17)

  • BIOS 242 Week 8 EXAM 3 Review. Chapters 14-23 (excluding 16, 17)
  • $25.00

Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab - Chamberlain
Contributor Anika Fultz


Here is some information about Exam 3.

  • This examination covers content learned in weeks 5, 6 and 7. (CO9 & CO10)
    • This exam is worth 180 total points, and includes the following types of questions:
      • 30 Multiple choice questions
      • 5 Multiple answer and matching questions
      • 4 Fill in the blank question
      • 3 Essay questions
    • You have 120 minutes to complete the Exam.
    • When the time limit is reached, you will automatically be exited from the exam.
    • Remember to choose the best answer, some questions may have more than one correct answer but only one BEST answer.
  • By submitting this work, I am attesting that I understand and am abiding the Chamberlain University Code of Conduct.

Good luck!


WEEK 5 – (CO 9) Immunity

Three lines of defense - introduction


  1. Differentiate first, second, and third line of defenses in terms of
  2. List examples of the first, second, and third line of defense
  3. Compare and contrast innate and adaptive defenses

Innate immune function


  1. List the steps of phagocytosis
  2. Describe the functions of the white blood cells: granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils) and agranulocytes (monocytes, Natural Killer [NK] Cells) ……… Continue

Adaptive immunity

  1. Differentiate humoral and cell-mediated immunity in terms of cells involved, functions of cells, location of maturation
  2. Summarize the five distinctive characteristics of the adaptive immune response
  3. Know the maturation locations of B cells and T cells, and where they are generally found after maturation
  4. Differentiate the terms antigens, epitopes, haptens, and antibodies……… Continue


WEEK 6 – (CO10) Microorganisms and diseases of skin, eyes, nervous system, cardiovascular and lymph



  1. Describe the anatomy and physiology (including innate defenses) of skin & eyes
  2. List five innate defenses of the skin
  3. List common skin microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) that are also opportunistic pathogens
  4. Know the disease(s) caused by the microorganism(s) ……… Continue



  1. Describe the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system
  2. Differentiate PNS from CNS, and define the term “axenic”
  3. Explain how pathogens can enter the CNS
  4. Know the disease(s) caused by the microorganism(s) ……… Continue



  1. Describe the anatomy and physiology (including innate and adaptive defenses) of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems
  2. Review the flow of blood through the cardiovascular system, and the part in which oxygen exchange takes place into tissues
  3. Differentiate the terms septicemia, toxemia, and bacteremia……… Continue


WEEK 7 – (CO10) Microorganisms and diseases of respiratory, GI, and urinary/reproductive


  1. Describe the anatomy and physiology (including innate defenses) of respiratory system
  2. List four defenses of the respiratory system
  3. Identify the disease caused by the microorganism(s)
  4. Classify pathogens as virus, bacteria, fungi, helminth, protist, or prion……… Continue




  1. Describe the anatomy and physiology (including innate defenses and two categories of structures) of the gastrointestinal system
  2. List three defenses of the GI system
  3. Identify the disease caused by the microorganism(s)
  4. Classify pathogens as virus, bacteria, fungi, helminth, protist, or prion……… Continue




  1. Describe the anatomy and physiology (including innate defenses and two categories of structures) of the urinary and reproductive systems
  2. Identify the disease caused by the microorganism(s)
  3. Classify pathogens as virus, bacteria, fungi, helminth, protist, or prion……… Continue




Week 6 diseases:



Week 7 Diseases:

  • Respiratory
  • GI
  • Genitourinary



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab - Chamberlain
Contributor Anika Fultz

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