BIOS 242 Week 4 Midterm Chapter 1 - 13

  • BIOS 242 Week 4 Midterm Chapter 1 - 13
  • $35.00

Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen
  1. Major Groups of Microorganisms
    1. Bacteria-ubiquitous
    2. Algae
    3. Protozoa
    4. Helminths
    5. Fungi
  2. Viruses
    1. Noncellular/acellular
    2. parasitic
    3. Protein coated genetic elements that cause harm to the host cell
  3. Parasites
    1. Are always harmful to their host whether they are:
      1. Bacterial
      2. Fungal
      3. Protozoan
      4. Viral
  4. Louis Pasteur
    1. Invented pasteurization
    2. Swan flask shape was important as it was open to air but did not allow bacteria to enter the flask
    3. Bacteria along with dust particles settled in the lowest part of flask
    4. Disapproved Spontaneous Generation Theory
  5. Development of Medical Microbiology
    1. Robert Koch
      1. Established series of proofs that verified the germ theory of disease
      2. Causes of infection
        1. Linked a specific microorganism with a specific disease
        2. Demonstrated that Anthrax is caused by bacteria
    2. Joseph Lister
      1. First utilized handwashing and misting operation rooms with antiseptic chemicals
    3. Semmelweis
      1. Advocated hand washing
      2. Savior of mothers
    4. Alexander Flemming
      1. Discovered the first antibiotic penicillin

  7. Koch's Postulates


Instituition / Term
Term Summer
Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen

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