BIOS 242 Week 4 Lab 2; Fomite Transmission

  • BIOS 242 Week 4 Lab 2; Fomite Transmission
  • $20.00

Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab - Chamberlain
Contributor Anika Fultz

Lab 8: Fomite Transmission

Learning Objectives:

  • Define fomite and how bacteria are transferred via fomites.
  • Explain the role of fomite transmission in the hospital.
  • Define nosocomial infections, HAIs (hospital acquired infections), and Iatrogenic infections.



Materials: Agar plate, Marker, ruler, sterile swabs



  1. Obtain one nutrient agar and divide the back of the plate into 8 sections using ruler and marker. Label each section 1-8.
  2. Using a new sterile swab, swab 8 different inanimate objects found in the lab area and streak the agar plates.
  3. Record the name of the swabbed objects in the lab report.
  4. Incubate the agar plates at 37 C for 24-48 hours.
  5. Seal the plates with parafilm and do not open the plates.
  6. Make observations using sealed plates only.
  7. Use lab safety protocol at all times while observing each sections for growth on the scale of 0-5. If there is no growth, report it as zero. Report excessive growth as 5.
  8. On the lab report, describe observations regarding appearance, color, shape and size of the colonies.
  9. Once observation is completed, immediately put the plates in appropriate waste container (biohazard bag) for autoclaving.

Lab Report:


Purpose: To see the bacteria, viruses, or fungi growth on inanimate objects which would refer to as fomite.


Growth Scale: 0= No Growth; 5= Maximum Growth



  1. Differentiate between nosocomial, HAI, and iatrogenic infections.
  2. Describe three ways a nurse could transfer microorganisms to their patients.
  3. Differentiate between contact, vehicle, and vector transmission.
  4. Was there equal amount of growth on all sections? Would all microorganisms on a fomite be able to grow on nutrient agar? Why or why not?



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab - Chamberlain
Contributor Anika Fultz

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