BIOS 242 Week 4 Concepts; Controlling Microbial Growth

  • BIOS 242 Week 4 Concepts; Controlling Microbial Growth
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Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab - Chamberlain
Contributor Anika Fultz

Week 4 Concepts: Controlling Microbial Growth

Controlling Microbial Growth


Prepare: Controlling Microbial Growth

  • The sterilizing gas used in chemiclaves is .
  • HEPA filters are used to remove microbes from
  • Which of the following microbial forms has the highest resistance to physical and chemical controls?
  • Sterilization is achieved by
  • The method of removing vegetative microbial life forms and debris to reduce contamination to safe levels is termed
  •              is a halogen used in gaseous and liquid form for large scale disinfection of drinking water and sewage.
  • The alcohol wipe used on a patient's skin before an injection is an example of .


Self-Check: Disinfection Techniques

  • Drag the following terms to their corresponding description.


Self-Check: Disinfection Techniques II

  • _______ is disinfection on a living surface.


  • _______ The most resistant infectious particles are .
  •   _______ are the sturdiest and most encountered infectious agents. For this reason, these are used to test the efficacy of autoclaves.
  • _______ removes all microbes from the environment.


Self-Check: Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Antimicrobial Methods

  • Drag to rank the following from most resistant (top) to least resistant (bottom).


Self-Check: Methods of Chemical Control

  • _______ was the first major antimicrobial chemical used with toxic and irritating side effects.
  • _______ (70 to 95 %) is used in skin degerming and disinfection of some types of medical equipment.
  • _______ is most commonly used as household bleach.
  • _______solution is used to treat gonococcal infections in eye of newborn, mouth ulcers and root canal treatment.


Reflect: Controlling Microbial Growth

  • _______ are used as preservatives for ophthalmic solutions and cosmetics.
  • The minimum sterilizing conditions in a steam autoclave are
  • _______ heat is more rapidly effective and efficient compared to heat.
  • _______ radiation excites atoms to a higher energy state within molecules such as DNA, which leads to the formation of pyrimidine dimers.
  • _______ aqueous solution, is used as embalming fluid
  • Physical agents for controlling microbial growth include all of the following except .
  • Scrubbing or immersing the skin in chemicals to reduce the numbers of microbes on the skin is .
  • Which of the following items are typically irradiated in order to kill microbes?



Prepare: Antibiotics

  • Aminoglycosides
  • Which antimicrobial does not interfere with protein synthesis?
  • Sulfa drugs work on
  • Which antimicrobial does not inhibit cell wall synthesis?
  • Antimicrobials effective against a wide variety of microbial types are termed .


Self-Check: Narrow Spectrum or Broad Spectrum

  • Use the diagram to determine if the following drugs are narrow-spectrum or broad-spectrum.

Self-Check: Zone of Inhibition

  • Select all the numbers associated with the antibiotic discs that show no zone of inhibition (and thus, resistance to that antibiotic concentration).

Self-Check: Antimicrobial Drugs

  • Important characteristics of antimicrobial drugs include
  • The use of a drug to prevent imminent infection is called .


Self-Check: Mechanisms of Drug Action

  • Drag and drop terms to their respective locations on the diagram.

Self-Check: Mechanisms of Drug Action: Inhibition

  • Drag and drop terms to their respective locations on the diagram.

Self-Check: Identifying Drugs and Their Uses

  • Match the drugs with the microbial agents/diseases that they are used for.

Self-Check: Additional Antimicrobials

  • Antiviral Chemotherapeutic agents have three modes of action- barring the penetration of the virus, blocking transcription and translation of viral molecules, and preventing maturation of viral particles. Match the image to the mode of action.

Self-Check: Antimicrobial Resistance

  • The cellular basis for bacterial resistance to antimicrobials include
  • Each of the following results in drug resistance, except


Reflect: Antibiotics

  • Selective toxicity refers to damage to
  • are antimicrobials effective against a wide variety of microbial types.
  • test shows susceptibility using large agar plates, a bacterial lawn, and antibiotic-infused discs.
  • Penicillins and cephalosporins
  • Some bacteria that are resistant to penicillin have
  • is used as an antihelminthes drug.
  • are defined as antimicrobial agents for drugs targeting bacteria and not other types of microbes.
  • Match the drugs with the microbial agents/diseases that they are used for.
  • is used to treat fungal infections.


Host-microbe interactions

Prepare: Host-microbe Interactions

  • Which of the following is a direct contact method of microbe transmission?
  • The objective evidence of disease noted by an observer is termed a/an .
  • The term infection refers to (select all that apply)
  • An infectious agent already existing on or in the body is called .
  • Opportunistic pathogens


Self-Check: Microbe-Human Interactions

  • The effect of beneficial microbes of normal biota against invading microbes is called .
  • Which of the following is inoculation of normal biota to a newborn


Self-Check: Infectious Disease

  • Match the term with the definition.

Self-Check: Progress of Infection

  • Place the steps of when microbes cause disease in the correct order from top to bottom.

Self-Check: Patterns of Infection

  • Match the pattern of infection with the description.

Self-Check: Stages in the Course of Infection

  • Drag the term to label the diagram.

Reflect: Host-microbe Interactions

  • The initial, brief period of early, general symptoms such as fatigue and muscle aches is the .
  • Endogenous infectious agents arise from microbes that are .
  • The primary, natural habitat of a pathogen where it continues to exist is called the .
  • TORCH is an acronym that represents the most common .
  • Based on new information from the Human Microbiome Project, the human body typically begins to be colonized by its normal biota
  • Which of the following is not correct terminology used for resident biota?
  • Once a microbe has entered a host, what process performed by certain white blood cells will attempt to destroy the microbes?
  • Which of the following is not a factor that weakens host defenses against infections?
  • A is any objective evidence of the disease as noted by the observer.
  • Which of the following is not a structure used for bacterial adhesion?
  • Infections that go unnoticed because there are no symptoms are called .
  • Which of the following is a mismatched term and description?



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab - Chamberlain
Contributor Anika Fultz

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