BIOS 242 Week 3 Quiz

  • BIOS 242 Week 3 Quiz
  • $25.00

Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen
  1. Question: An organism that uses CO2 for its carbon needs and sunlight for its energy needs would be called a ___________.
  2. Question: An obligate saprobe differs from a parasite in that
  3. Question: Cultures of a bacteria strain were incubated in a refrigerator (5oC), on a lab bench (22oC), in a 37oC incubator, and in a 50oC incubator. After incubation, there was no growth at 37oC and 50oC, slight growth in the refrigerator, and abundant growth on the lab bench top. Which term best describes this organism?
  4. Question: A bacterium is inoculated into a tube of thioglycollate and incubated. After incubation, turbidity appears throughout, top to bottom, with the greatest turbidity at the very top. This bacterium would be called a(n) _________
  5. Question: The phase of the bacterial growth curve in t the rate of multiplication equals the rate of cell death is the__________.
  6. Question: Enzymes are
  7. Question: The bacterial genus Bacillus can utilize starch as a nutrient by splitting the starch molecule into smaller molecules of glucose with the addition of water. The enzymes to do this would be classified as _____.
  8. Question: In bacteria cells, the electron transport system is located in the _______.
  9. Question: During which phase of cellular respiration is the majority of ATP formed?
  10. Question: Sulfa drugs like Bactrim, given for bacterial infections, inhibit bacteria by blocking folic acid synthesis. The precursor molecule of folic acid is para-amino benzoic acid (PABA). Interestingly, PABA has a structure very similar to a sulfa drug. If a sulfa drug is present, the bacterial enzyme will bind the sulfa drug because of structural similarity. This is an example of ________.
  11. Question: A permanent, inheritable change in the genetic information is called ___________.
  12. Question: If the wild type DNA sequence reads THE CAT ATE THE BIG RAT, what type of point mutation would change the sequence to THE CAT ATA ETH EBI GRA T?
  13. Question: You are a lab tech using a viral vector called a bacteriophage to transfer DNA from one bacterial cell to another bacterial cell; this process will allow you to make a sufficient quantity of insulin for diabetic patients. This process is called…..
  14. Question: A patient with a genetic disorder is given an injection containing a gene to correct the genetic error. This is an example of…..
  15. Question: You inoculate dextrose tubes containingphenol red indicator and Durham tube to test for fermentation. Which of the following should you observe in the tube if the organism ferments dextrose without producing CO2.



Instituition / Term
Term Summer
Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen

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