BIOS 242 Week 3 Concepts; Metabolism

  • BIOS 242 Week 3 Concepts; Metabolism
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Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab - Chamberlain
Contributor Anika Fultz

Week 3 Concepts: Metabolism

Factors affecting Microbial Growth

Prepare: Factors Affecting Microbial Growth

  • The phase of the bacterial growth curve in which the rate of multiplication equals the rate of cell death is the . death phase
  • An organism that grows in lower pH conditions is called a .
  • An organism that uses organic carbon for its carbon needs and sunlight for its energy needs would be called a
  •   .

Self-Check: Growth Requirements in Microorganisms

  • Place the images in order from top to bottom to show extracellular digestion in bacteria and fungi.

Self-Check: Sources of Energy

  • Which type of organism will acquire energy from light and acquire nutrients via catabolism of organic compounds.
  • Which type of organism will acquire energy and Carbon via catabolism of organic compounds.


Self-Check: Identify the Organism

  • Organisms that live on dead animals and plants and digest food by secreting enzymes are called .


Self-Check: Transport Processes

  • Which type of solution will result in water entering the cell?


Self-Check: Temperature Requirements

  • Microorganisms that have a requirement for growth below 15°C are called .


Self-Check: Patterns of Oxygen Utilization

  • Which thioglycolate tube shows the growth of an obligate anaerobe.


Self-Check: Population Growth

  • Which phase of growth has limited nutrients and exponential death of cells?

Self-Check: Phases of Population Growth

  • Match the following items to their corresponding description.

Reflect: Factors Affecting Microbial Growth

  • The methanogens, producers of methane gas, require environments that __________
  • The phase of the bacterial growth curve that shows the maximum rate of cell division is the __________ .
  • Bacteria living in a freshwater stream that are transferred to ocean water would __________
  • A saprobe differs from a parasite in that __________
  • An organism that uses CO2 for its carbon needs and sunlight for its energy needs would be called a __________ .
  • Match the following terms to their corresponding description.
  • An organism with a temperature growth range of 45°C to 60°C would be called a(n) __________ .



Prepare: Enzymes

  • Enzymes that function inside a cell are .
  • Enzymes can be regulated.
  • The term used to describe all of the chemical reactions within a cell is .
  • Enzymes are composed of


Self-Check: The Role of Enzymes


Self-Check: Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity

  • Which of the following affect enzyme activity?


Self-Check: Enzyme Structure

  • Holoenzymes _____


Self-Check: Naming Enzymes

  • Select the correct class for each drop-down based on the substrates and action provided.


Self-Check: Enzyme Location

  • Your bacterium is growing on a type of medium called casein agar, which contains milk protein (casein). There is a clear zone around the growth area of the bacterium, showing that it is synthesizing the enzymes needed to catalyze the extracellular breakdown of casein. These enzymes are considered .


Self-Check: Enzyme Regulation

  • Constitutive enzymes ____ .


Self-Check: Enzyme Inhibition

  • When enzyme action stops due to a buildup of end product that acts as a regulatory molecule, this control is called__________ .


Reflect: Enzymes

  • Enzymes lower the __________ .
  • Match the following enzyme names with their reactions.
  • When a molecule regulates the activity of an enzyme by binding to a site outside of the active site, it is known as a/an __________.
  • A holoenzyme is a combination of a protein and one or more substances called __________.
  • Enzymes that are retained and function inside of a cell are known as __________ .
  • Increasing the amount of the enzyme will increase the __________.
  • Binding of the substrate to the enzyme produces a/an complex __________.
  • The formation of peptide bonds between amino acids to build a polypeptide is an example of__________.
  • The structure of the enzyme dictates the binding site of the substrate__________.
  • A is an organic molecule needed to form a holoenzyme__________.
  • The binding site for the substrate is the __________.
  • A/an will slow down or stop enzyme activity __________.
  • A mimics the shape of the substrate __________.

Prepare: Metabolism



  • During aerobic cellular respiration, the final electron acceptor is .
  • The term used to describe the reactions which break down larger macromolecules into simpler molecules within a cell is .
  • The cell's metabolic reactions involve the participation of that lower the activation energy needed for the initiation of a reaction.


Self-Check: Metabolism of Microbes

  • The formation of peptide bonds between amino acids to build a polypeptide is an example of .


Self-Check: Glycolysis

  • When glucose is broken down by glycolysis during bacterial fermentation, what is the usual net production of ATP?


Self-Check: Cellular Respiration

  • Select the location of the process.


Self-Check: Fermentation

  • Fermentation .


Self-Check: Anaerobic Respiration

  • Label the pathways.


Reflect: Metabolism

  • The formation of citric acid from oxaloacetic acid and an acetyl group begins __________.
  • During anaerobic respiration a common final electron acceptor is __________ .
  • Oxygen reacts with hydrogen to produce __________ in the electron transport chain.
  • As the electron transport carriers shuttle electrons, they actively pump __________ into the outer membrane compartment, setting up a concentration gradient called the proton motive force.
  • The reactions of fermentation function to produce __________ molecules for further use in glycolysis.
  • In the cell, energy released by electrons is often used to phosphorylate __________ .
  • In bacterial cells, the electron transport system is located in the __________ .
  • The Kreb’s cycle generates the most __________ .
  • Match the following processes to the correct location.
  • The majority of ATP is formed during __________ .



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab - Chamberlain
Contributor Anika Fultz

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