BIOS 242 Week 2 Quiz

  • BIOS 242 Week 2 Quiz
  • $15.00

Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen
  1. Question: You apply the acid-fast stain method to a patient’s specimen, an aspirate from the lungs. Microscopic examination reveals a large number of bright pink-purple bacillus-shaped bacteria in the smear. Which statement is true?
  2. Question: Which of the following does not pertain to endotoxin?
  3. Question: The series of tunnel-like membranes functioning in transport and storage are the _______.
  4. Question: The Vesicle that originates from the Golgi apparatus and contains a variety of digestive enzymes is the __________.
  5. Question: In producing beer and wine, humans have exploited the microbial ability to ferment sugar to alchohol. The microbes responsible for this process are ______.
  6. Question: Host cells of viruses include ____________.
  7. Question: Which of the following is not associated with every virus?
  8. Question: In general, most DNA viruses multiply in the host cell’s ______while most RNA viruses multiply in the host cell’s _______.
  9. Question: Two noncellular agents, smaller than viruses, are infectious proteins called _______ and infectious RNA strands called _________.
  10. Question: Persistent viruses that can reactive periodically are _________________.



Instituition / Term
Term Summer
Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen

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