BIOS 242 Week 2 Concepts; Classification and Nutrition

  • BIOS 242 Week 2 Concepts; Classification and Nutrition
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Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab - Chamberlain
Contributor Anika Fultz

Week 2 Concepts: Classification and Nutrition

Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells

Prepare: Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells

  • The cellular structures found in prokaryotes are (select all that apply)
  • The Gram stain works because of differences in the of bacteria.

Prokaryotes include

  • Which of the following structures contribute to pathogenicity of bacteria (select all that apply)

Self-Check: Bacteria and Archaea

  • Drag the cell types to the three respective highlighted images at the bottom.

Self-Check: Bacteria External Cell Structures

  • Drag the description to the correct image.

Self-Check: Bacterial Cell Envelope

  • Drag the items to the corresponding cell wall.

Self-Check: Bacterial Internal Structure

  • Drag and drop the terms to the two respective locations at the bottom of this cell.

Self Check: Bacterial Cell: External

  • Drag labels to their correct placement on the chart.

Self Check: Bacterial Cell - Cell envelope


Self Check: Bacterial Cell - Internal

  • Drag labels to their correct places on the chart.

Self-Check: Matching Definitions

  • Which of the following is mismatched?

Reflect: Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells

  • Select all that apply. Three general shapes of bacteria are
  • Select all that apply. A new microorganism is discovered, and you have identified it as bacteria because it
  • Match the terms to their description.
  • Match the terms to their description.
  • Match the terms to their description.
  • Select all that apply. Arrangements found among the general shapes of bacteria


Eukaryotic Cell and Cell Division

Prepare: Eukaryotic Cell and Cell Division

  • In producing beer and wine, humans have exploited the microbial ability to ferment sugar to alcohol. The microbes responsible for this process are .
  • The vesicle that originates from the Golgi apparatus and contains a variety of digestive enzymes is the .
  • When a eukaryotic cell is not undergoing mitosis, the DNA and its associated proteins appear as a visible, thread-like mass called
  • Which of the following is not a stage of mitosis?
  • Helminth is another word for


Self-Check: Eukaryotic Reproduction

  • Drag the appropriate reproduction method to the correct row in the table.
  • The different types of reproduction found in various eukaryotic organisms

Self-Check: Mitosis

  • Drag and drop label to its respective location.

Self-Check: Stages of Mitosis

  • Drag each stage of mitosis below to its corresponding description.


Self-Check: Types of Eukaryotic Microbes - Algae

  • Algae does not cause any type of harm to human health.


Self-Check: Fungi

  • The first antibiotic, penicillin, was developed by this type of eukaryotic organism.


Self-Check: Helminths

  • Some helminths are , having both male and female organs.

Reflect: Eukaryotic Cell and Cell Division

  • The , a, group of large free-living eukaryotes use pseudopodia for movement.
  • The two major groups of helminths are and .
  • In humans, helminths generally infect the .
  • Fungi that grow as yeasts at one temperature but as molds at another temperature are called .
  • _____ causes thrush in infants.
  • Yeast reproduce by which sometimes appear as miniature snowmen.
  • ______ spores are formed by mitosis and spores are made by meiosis.
  • The long, thread-like branching cells of molds are called .
  • Red tide is a/an that produces a neurotoxin that can be dangerous to humans.
  • _______ is obtained from undercooked infected meat or exposure to infected cats.
  • After returning from a trip to Africa, Tom feels tired and weak and has severe anemia. A blood smear reveals a protozoan in his blood and the health care provider diagnoses malaria caused by .
  • In several rounds of mitotic nuclear division occur prior to cytoplasmic division.




Prepare: Viruses

  • Host cells of viruses include .
  • Two noncellular agents, smaller than viruses, are infectious RNA strands called and infectious proteins called .
  • Viruses .


Self-Check: General Characteristics of Viruses

  • Drag and drop terms to their respective locations on the diagram.


Self-Check: Genetic Material of Viruses and Virus Replication

  • Drag the correct terms to complete the sentences below.

Self-Check: Replication in Animal Viruses

  • Match the stages of animal viral replication to their description.

Self-Check: Viruses

  • Drag the correct term to complete the sentences below.


Reflect: Viruses

  • Host cells of viruses include .
  • Bovine spongiform encephalopathy disease is
  • Two noncellular agents, smaller than viruses, are infectious RNA strands called and infectious proteins called .
  • Viruses that infect bacteria are specifically called .
  • During lysogeny, an inactive prophage state occurs when the viral DNA is inserted into the host .
  • Persistent viruses that can reactivate periodically are .
  • The core of every virus particle always contains .
  • A/an is the protein shell around the nucleic acid core of a virus.



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab - Chamberlain
Contributor Anika Fultz

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